Download 2020 AGIF Nat Conf Registration Form
Celebrating 72 Years–
American GI Forum 2020 National Conference is Now Work-in-Progress!
American GI Forum of Texas, Inc.: AUSTIN, Texas –The National Conference Committee headed by Texas CEO Gil Rodriguez began working on the upcoming 2020 American GI Forum of the United States National Conference is now scheduled for July 30 thru August 1, 2020 at the Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk Hotel, 111 E. Pecan, San Antonio, Texas 70205. A contract with the Hotel has been signed and a block of rooms has been set aside for AGIF Delegates and guests. The Texas AGIF also has a signed contract between National Commander Larry Romo and State Commander Ceasar Ruiz outlining responsibilities and work assignments for the Conference.
Registration has been set at $230.00, an increase of $5.00 over the 2018 Conference also held in San Antonio. Rooms are set at $123.00 single or double and Hotel Covered self-parking has been reduced to $15.00 per night. Valet parking is available to all our guest.
The Conference Committee is headed by Texas CEO Gil Rodriguez and include Conference Coordinator/Treasurer Lupe Rodriguez, State Commander Ceasar Ruiz, Account Executives Patsy Vazquez Contez, and Angelica Tellechea; Speakers Committee: Gil Rodriguez, and Luis Vazquez Contes; Entertainment: Austin Commander Armando Longoria, and Women’s Chapter members Gloria Elizondo. Austin and San Antonio Chapter members will also be assisting during the conference as conference hosts.
The Committee Chair and Texas State commander will report progress and updates to the National Commander as needed and as they become appropriate. Both parties have been in communications and the Conference Chairman and National Commander have met to review progress. Communications are on-going. A tentative itinerary will be posted on this web site with registration forms and other informational materials needed. Workshops, seminars and plenary sessions will also be posted with panels and speakers. This information may also be mailed, but note that the Texas data base contains mostly Texas members. Please, if you have a list of email addresses that may want information please forward them to our state office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Our Texas constitution prohibits us from distributing any personal information, including addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, etc. Our emails do not reveal addresses.
The Conference Headquarters/office during the conference will be in the Wyndham Riverwalk Hotel. A block of rooms has been set aside for delegates and special attendees. You may make reservations of available rooms for American GI Forum Conference at 1-800-337-0550 or direct at (210) 354-2800. Rooms single and double are set at $123.00 while available until July 8, 2020. A code will be made available for delegates. Once cutoff date has passed, any rooms that have been cancelled on an individual basis may be available back to the group only at the discretion of the hotel.
Available rooms include:
- Valet & Self-Parking
- Complimentary Wi-fi
- Complimentary Pool/Exercise room for use by the AGIF delegates and guests
- Conference and Ball Rooms may be reached directly by escalator and/or elevator
- Riverwalk, Alamo and other sites are within walking distance
Early Registration fee for Forum and Women Delegates is set at $230.00. After July 10, 2020, or on site, the fee will be $250.00. Registration forms will be found are on this site and may be filled out on-line. An itinerary of activities and budget have been prepared. The Agenda is the responsibility of the Commander and the National Board. You may contact Gil Rodriguez at (512) 992-7066 or Lupe Rodriguez at (512) 517-9178 for more information and updates. Information for on-line Hotel reservations will be available as soon as the Hotel passes that information on to us.
Our committees are working to secure sponsors for all events. Please remember to Support and Thank our Sponsors!