Hotel Rates Updates:
Seguin Manuel Castillas Chapter Commander Updates Preparations for 2019 State Conference
American GI Forum Report: AUSTIN, Texas –Chapter Commander Chris Aviles reports, “We continue to make progress in seeking sponsors for the upcoming convention as we look forward in making this event attractive for all attending. We have worked on sequence of events and are being put together and will be ready to be mailed electronically or by USPS to all Commanders and individuals that have an e-mail address in the AGIF state Data Files. We will have some assistance from the State in putting together materials for mailers and for updates on out state website. We also want to make sure we can properly reach all of the Texas chapters and keep them updated of rates, and fees, the itinerary, places and sites to visit and the conference sequence of all events.
"Please if we do not have your e-mail address please send it the state at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. It will be kept confidential and will be disclosed with your permission only.
"I have appointed a person to assist with communications. His name will be Javier Castilleja. He will be reaching out and communicating all details as they become available. He will also serve as our public relations representative for the press and the general public. “We will be corresponding with the state in a more frequent manner. We are working to finalize budgets, fees, events, and itinerary from this point forward in preparation for the conference. We plan to make every attempt to give a weekly update on our progress forward. The committee chairs and key people will be meeting weekly to finalize all events and work with the state with the business agenda to work around all planned events. Sponsorships are coming along good and we are currently working on a schedule of events for the convention.
“The Venue selected for the meetings is the ELKS LODGE located at 1331 C H Matthies Jr, Seguin, TX 78155 (830) 303-5844. The selected Hotels in proximity of the venue are: La Quinta Inn and Suites, located, 1501 Hwy 46 North, Seguin, TX 78155. Hotels are availabel for $99.00 plus taxes as a Group Rate so please mention the AGIF Conference when you register. La Quinta Registration phone is (915) 888-3442.Another Hotel adjacent to the meeting site is the Americas Best Value Inn, located at 1525 N State Highway 46, Seguin, TX 78155. We have not negotiated with them but their rates are affortable.
We have set registration fees for the Conference pre-registration at $100.00 and registration on site will be $125.00. I will include a map to and from the venue so you can get a better perspective of the distance between venues. The Elks lodge and the hotels are about 500 feet from each other. They are really close to each other.
“Scheduled on our Itinerary is as follows: A scheduled Hospitality Room at the Hotel for Early arrivals on Thursday evening, June 6, 2019. We plan Continental Breakfast on Friday and Saturday. On Friday we will have the Women's Luncheon at the Elks Lodge and that evening we plan a poolside reception with music, hors d'oeuvres and refreshments. On Saturday we have planned Lunch at noon and the Commander's Banquet that evening. We plan to have entertainment and a dance with live music. On Sunday we plan to have a Continental Breakfast at our usual Sunday Board of Directors Finance and Budget Meeting. Everyone that is still present is invited.
“We are working on the food (caterers), entertainment, hospitality rooms while seeking sponsors for each event. I continue working with members Louis Ramirez and Past Commander and the 2014 Conference Chair JP Amador on all details. We plan on getting with the state office for information we might need in putting the entire event together. We intend to prepare mailers and have information posted on the State Website as soon as we finalize each detail.
“We’re hoping to reach all the chapters in hope of getting representation from each at this conference. Remember that our success depends on your attendance. As for us, we will make every effort to make this conference attractive, affordable, and with lots of comradery. This conference is being prepared with you in mind. We look forward to seeing you in Seguin in June!”
Christopher Aviles, Seguin AGIF Manuel Castillas Commander