Remembering the "Aztec Eagles"

DAYTON, Ohio -- In a dedication ceremony held Feb. 26, 2010, the museum

201st Fighter Squadron (Mexico)


The 201st Fighter Squadron (SpanishEscuadrón Aéreo de Pelea 201) was a Mexican fighter squadron, part of the Mexican Expeditionary Air Force that aided the Allied war effort during World War II. The squadron was known by the nickname Águilas Aztecas or "Aztec Eagles", apparently coined by members of the squadron during training.[1]



 American GI Forum of the US 2018-19 National Executive Board of Directors

National Commander – Lawrence G. Romo – Texas

National Vice Commander – Russell Lopez – Colorado

National Secretary – Myrna Chavarria – Texas

National Treasurer – Pat Marrero – Colorado

National Sergeant-at-Arms – Frederick Romero – California

National Chairwoman – Dora Gonzales – Colorado

National Vice-Chairwoman – Sylvia Garza – Texas

National Women’s Recording Secretary – Dolores “Dee” Leal – Texas

National Women’s Treasurer – Laura Flores – Colorado

National Youth Chair – Sofia Salinas – Kansas