2020-21 National Forum Executive Board Officers
National Forum Executive Board Officers National Women’s Forum Executive Board Officers
Mr. Lawrence 'Larry' Romo, National Commander – Texas Mrs. Dora Marez-Gonzalez - National Chairwoman – Colorado
Mr. Russell Lopez – National Vice Commander – Colorado Mrs. Sylvia Garza - National Vice Chairwoman – Texas
Ms. Myrna Chavarria – National Secretary - Texas Mrs. Dolores 'Dee' Leal, National Women's Secretary – Texas
Mrs. Pat Marrero - National Treasurer – Colorado Mrs. Laura Flores - National Women's Treasurer - Colorado
Mr. Fredrick Romero - National Sgt-at-Arms – California Mrs. Patsy Vazquez Contes, Past National Chairwoman – Colorado
Mr. Angel Zuniga - Past National Commander – Texas
National Youth Forum Executive Board Member
Ms Isabel De La Rosa, National Youth Chair – Michigan
Below is the Address of the National Office and dues information for the American GI Forum of the United States National Office.
AGIF National Office
635 W. Corona Avenue, Suite 114
Pueblo, CO 81004
Office Phone: 719-299-4838
For any further assistance contact the AGIF National Office:
Luis Vazquez Contez at: 719-406-6473
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Re: Transmittal and Charter Dues:
Please Follow The AGIF U.S. Constitution during submission for new AGIF Chapters for issuance of a Charter.
The fees for charters Are:
Forum: $25.00
Women: $20.00
Youth: $15.00
Late Charter Fees after January 31: $10 per chapter per month
AGIF Memberships dues for Chapters vary within each State and/or Region.
For New Information and changes you may acquire Information at anytime at the following Websites: National www.agifus.com Texas www.agiftx.org Colorado www.agifco.org
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.