The American G I Forum
of the
United States
Press Release
The American G I Forum of the United States
Announces New Board
Effective August 13, 2021
News: 2021 Press Release
For Release: August 30, 2021
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AGIF of the United Stated and its’ membership congratulate the newly elected board effective August 13, 2021. Pueblo, CO. — The AGIF-U.S. held elections at its annual conference 2021 in San Antonio, Texas. The newly elected board members and immediate past National Commander Larry Romo, welcome Luis Vazquez-Contes as the newly elected National Commander, and Patsy Vazquez-Contes, the newly elected National Chairwoman. Your new board members are:
· Mario Perales, National Vice-Commander (Texas)
· Greg Nichols, National Forum Secretary (California)
· Ernesto Montoya, National Forum Treasurer (Colorado)
· Frank Archuleta, Sergeant at Arms (Texas)
· Leona Flores, National Vice Chairwoman (Michigan)
· Deb Galvan, Women’s Secretary (Nebraska)
· Laura Flores, Women’s Treasurer (Colorado)
· Isabel De La Rosa, Youth Chair (Michigan)
As the largest, and longest standing organization for Latino Veterans who served and continue to serve our country, Luis Vazquez-Contes, National Commander has hit the ground running! Building sustainable relationships, fostering an environment of health and wellness, and pursuing sponsorships and grants that will help the organization grow are part of his robust plan. It is not lost on the newly elected National Commander, that since its inception, the AGIF has served thousands of Latino veterans, and their families, through various AGIF of the U.S. structured relief programs. Efforts are evident during the COVID19 pandemic, and Vazquez-Contes vows to continue the work.
Please join the AGIF-U.S. in welcoming the newly elected board members, Luis Vazquez-Contes, National Commander and Patsy Vasquez-Contes, National Chairwoman. Together they will lead the organization into a new chapter, as they continue to honor and foster the vision set by Dr. Hector P. Garcia, AGIF-U.S. Founder.
Thank you to our membership and sponsors!
God Bless America! God Bless Latino Veterans and The American G I Forum of the United States!
For contributions and sponsorship opportunities, please contact, Angelica Tellechea, AGIF-U.S.,
VP of Development email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., cell: (916) 627-9020
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