Entrepreneurship for Veterans 101: A Guide
Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels
There are plenty of opportunities for veterans who are also first-time entrepreneurs — you just have to know where to look. When you are ready to get your business off the ground, here are a few core concepts from the American GI Forum you need to be aware of first. Let’s take a look:
Serving in the military naturally puts you at a higher risk of injury and death. It also puts you at a higher risk for developing a substance use disorder. Even if you were never sent to war, you may have experienced military sexual trauma, difficulty in adjusting to civilian life, or a mental health condition that resulted from the stress of serving. A serious injury during training or a sexual assault can cause trauma and PTSD. It’s not just combat that can cause these mental health issues, although combat certainly can cause them as well.
Dear American GI Forum,
I hope this email finds you well. My name is Victoria Beach and I am a Clinical Psychology doctoral student at Texas Tech University in the department of Psychological Sciences. I am conducting a research study on the life experiences of Latino/Latina/Latinx adults aged 60 and older in order to gain a better understanding of both the successes and difficulties of aging.
I am reaching out for your assistance in conducting this research. For this study, I am looking for Latino/Latina/Latinx adults aged 60 and older who speak English and who do not display current manic symptoms, cognitive/memory impairment, or psychotic symptoms. I am asking that you forward this information to Latino/Latina/Latinx adults aged 60 and older who speak English and who do not display current manic symptoms, cognitive/memory impairment, or psychotic symptoms. Participants will be asked to participate in a 15-minute telephone call with the researcher to determine eligibility. If eligible, they will be emailed a set of questionnaires to complete, which will take between 30-45 minutes. Their participation is completely voluntary, and they can stop at any point during the study. After completion of the study, they will be eligible to enter into a drawing for a $25 gift card.
If you have any questions regarding this research, please feel free to contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling 806-834-8815. You may also contact the principal investigator, Dr. Brandy Piña-Watson, by phone at 806-834-8430 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Yo
We are truly grateful for your time and consideration in helping me conduct this research. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you,
Victoria Beach
Victoria Beach, M.A.
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Candidate
Department of Psychological Sciences
Texas Tech University