Please be advised that I have been contacted by the family of Jake Alarid with the pending funeral arrangements. The pending arrangements are scheduled for May 18th. The finalized location and service times will be forthcoming.
It is my understanding the family is reserving a block of rooms at a local hotel/motel for out of town visitors. Kindly respond at your earliest possible convenience. Thank you.
Howard Hernandez, California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of Veterans Affairs CalVet Disabled Veterans Business Enterprises Council Member Los Angeles Region Community Veterans Engagement Board Member Chairman Vets Advisory Committee NEAT 213-305-0009
I deeply regret to inform all members of our community on the passing of Jake Alarid, The former American GI Forum (AGIF) National Commander, California AGIF State Commander, Commander of the El Camino Real AGIF Commander in Whittier California, a former United States Marine and a True Patriot.
While our friendship only dates back to 2011, I sincerely consider Jake Alarid as one of my mentors. Soft spoken yet deliberate and precise in his message and always focused on the pride of his Mexican-American Heritage and his Native New Mexico. The list of his accomplishments while leading the American GI Forum are many, I believe his greatest honor is as the AGIF National Commander who led the pursuit and achieved the goal of having the American GI Forum acknowledged by the United States Congress as one of the Congressionally Chartered National Veterans Service Organizations.
The American GI Forum has lost one of it's genuine and sincere leaders. The United States has lost a beacon of light in the acknowledgement of the contributions by the Mexican-American and Latino members of the United States Military Armed Forces, as well as the Mexican-American Community.
As an alumnus of the University of Southern California, I am quite sure Jake Alarid would encourage us all to "Fight On!"
I ask you all to join me in extending our prayers for God's acceptance of this kind soul into his kingdom and in offering our heart felt condolences to Maria Alarid and their family.
Good bye for now my Brother in Arms.
Howard Hernandez, California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of Veterans Affairs CalVet Disabled Veterans Business Enterprises Council Member Los Angeles Region Community Veterans Engagement Board Member Chairman Vets Advisory Committee NEAT 213-305-0009