Sid Duran, California Passed Away August 28, 2014
American GI Forum of Texas, Inc. Report: The Texas State office has learned that past National Sgt-at-Arms, Isidro "Sid" Duran passed away. He was from San Jose, California and was a member of the East Valley Chapter for many years. He was a popular figure at National Events with his colorful 'Pachuco" outfits.
Besides a National Officer, Sid and was a past Chapter Commander, and a past California State Forum officer.
Sid served many years as National Sgt-at-Arms. We do not have too much information, other than he had been ill for some time. He was present at the Las Vegas Midyear last year. He was a devoted member and was supportive of all GI Forum activities, always a volunteer that help out at all events.
"El Pachuco" was born in Morill, Nebraska on May 15, 1931. He passed away August 28, 2014 at 0845 am. He was 83 years old. The photos on right were sent to us from one of our state and national officers.
We apologize for not bringing you this information earlier, but we only learned recently from one of our State officers who found out through Facebook.
We ask National Secretary Greg Nichols, who is in touch with Sid's family, to convey our condolences and heartfelt sympathy to the Duran Family. He will be missed. Texas Commander John Martinez, members of the Board of Directors and members in Texas join together keeping their thoughts and prayers with Sid's family. May he rest in Peace.